Science: Onedimensional- or gender dimension?

Lots of gender talk these days – but, how about gender in science? Have you ever thought of not only fostering gender equality in your research teams, but also taking into account the whole female dimension? Read the gripping report on the integration of the gender dimension in Europe. Giuliana Rubbia is member of the European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS) and also member of the GRECO Social Adivsory Board. She is one of the authors of the report.

Definition of the “gender dimension of science”

 “Taking into account the “gender dimension” – that is, ensuring that the biological characteristics, as well as the social and cultural features, behaviours and needs, of both women and men are taken into consideration – is vital for the societal relevance as well as for the quality and reproducibility of research, and thereby crucial to secure Europe’s leadership in science and technology, support its inclusive growth and respond to global challenges and sustainable development goals”.

 Jean-Eric Paquet, DG, DG Research and Innovation, interview on the EPWS website, Dec 1st 2020

